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joi, 25 aprilie 2013

2 joburi faine: Trade Marketing + Customer Support :)

Update 23 mai

Din ciclul "De ce imi iubesc jobul" :)

Azi m-am intalnit (pentru a doua oara) cu Sorin. Unii dintre voi vor avea ocazia sa il cunoasca, in masura in care vor fi interesati de job-urile din titlu. ( si va asigur ca nu e waste of time, ci quality time si oportunitate in forma pura).:)

Sorin este country manager-ul unei companii multinationale activand in piata uneltelor si accesoriilor de bricolaj. Conduce la 31 de ani filiala locala a unui gigant la nivel global, are viziune de business si o concretete cum rar intalnesti. In Romania are o echipa mica, dar in crestere, de oameni care cred si urmeaza aceleasi valori. A pornit business-ul in Romania de la zero si a ajuns in doi ani la o cifra de afaceri amazing.

Suntem onorati sa ii oferim astazi sprijin pentru a gasi doi colegi noi. Daca vrei sa fii unul dintre ei, iata ce ai avea de facut:

1. Trade marketing Specialist


·         Develop Trade Marketing planning in line with Marketing Budget
·         Prepare introduction of new products
·         Coordinate new product leaflets upon launch.
·         Support & challenge sales organization to penetrate existing product ranges
·         Develop competitors’ database.


·         2-3 years of experience in marketing and sales area
·         Very good knowledge of English
·         Willingness to travel
·         Strong attention to detail and excellent organization skills
·         Excellent interpersonal skills (good attitude, professional demeanor, ability to interact with other team members and business partners)
·         Ability to work independently

2. Customer Support


·         Supporting  the sales targets of your responsibility area
·         Generating appropriate levels of sales activity by maintaining current business and winning new accounts through personal calls, meetings and correspondence
·         Developing, forecasting and reporting the sales
·         Planning and executing marketing operations to support sales in named accounts
·         Creating and implementing communication strategy of the brand
·         Coordination of tools and support-material production process
·         Getting know customer needs and insights to be an expert in brand communication
·         Monitoring the competition activities to make the brand more noticeable to customers

  • 2-3 years of experience in marketing and sales area
  • Very good knowledge of English
  • Willingness to travel
  • Strong attention to detail and excellent organization skills
  • Excellent interpersonal skills (good attitude, professional demeanor, ability to interact with other team members and business partners)
  • Ability to work independently
Asteptam sa ne scrii, sa ne trimiti CV-ul sau sa transmiti mai departe acest anunt unui prieten care ar putea fi interesat.

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